Learning how to prepare for a teacher interview is essential. You have one chance to make an impression on the school of your choice that you’re excited about and want to teach at. By taking the time to prepare, you can easily impress those with whom you’re interviewing as well as deliver a quality interview at the same time.
Here are five things that you can do to prepare for a teacher interview well in advance. These are just a simple way to get prepared for your teacher interview so that you can knock the interview out of the park.

Research the school online and talk to teachers & learn their challenges
To be fully prepared for the interview, it’s best to research the specific school you’re applying to teach at. This means that you’ll want to read reviews and even potentially talk to other teachers who have worked there to learn what the difficulties were. During an interview, showing interest by doing research is a great way to get ahead of other candidates because you’re putting forth the effort to get information pertaining to the position.
Brainstorm times you’ve solved problems like theirs
Once you’re aware of problem areas, make sure that you’re prepared to talk about how you’ve brainstormed and solved problems like the ones that the school is currently going through. Talk about the steps that were taken and what the overall outcome was as well.
The more that you can relate to the open position and the need to have it filled, the better you’ll look in the interviewee’s eyes.
Practice sample teacher interview questions
Be prepared by always having at least 3-5 pertinent questions to ask at the interview. This not only shows that you’re interested, but it also shows that you’re looking for a place where you can excel and be helpful, too. When you have questions ready, you’ll be able to keep the interview moving swiftly and smoothly, too.
Gather materials like a lesson plan, Praxis scores, and transcripts. SAMPLES – Portfolio – Digital – Photos as examples
Always have your “boast” file on hand. This is where you can showcase your work, education, and anything else you want to highlight and pass along. It’s a great way to show your most substantial assets and give a clear picture of how you like to plan and move forward.
Research Educational Buzzwords
Last but not least, it’s essential to stay in the know about the latest educational trends or sayings. While you’re not doing this to be “trendy,” it does show the interviewer that you’re invested in this line of work and are in the know of current happenings. This also shows them that you can quickly adapt to be a good segway to connecting with students, too.
With these five interview tips, you’ll be well on your way to landing the teaching job of your dreams. Make sure that you practice and run through your answers a few times in your head, and you’ll be ready to go.