Parents and family involvement in education has always been essential to success and learning for the students. However, now that much of the learning is being done at home because of school closures, it’s even more important for family involvement to be present. Many families are now becoming more active in their child’s education, and teachers are looking for ways to support them. Here is how to keep parents engaged and support parents through distance learning.
Send Weekly Newsletters
Each week, I send a newsletter to parents that let them know what information and what lessons we will be working on for the coming week. This helps parents prepare for what we will be learning about and give them some insight into what’s going on in the classroom. You can let them know of upcoming quizzes or tests, or remind them of when things are due.
Have Parents Register on Learning Platforms
Whether you are using Google Classroom or a different platform, make sure that you are encouraging parents to register on the platforms. They need to register and complete the tutorials to help their kids work the platforms properly. This will also allow parents log on and ask questions about the work or to check their child’s grade.
Allow Time for Weekly Parent Conferences
Leave time each week for parent-teacher conferences. You can do these over Zoom or the phone, but make sure you have a dedicated time when parents can come to you with questions or concerns. You can set up a link where parents can schedule a time to chat with you or have them reach out over email. Set up office hours each week for concerned parents to meet with you to feel like they can come to you if they have any questions.
Send Emails to Parents When Grades are Posted
When grades are posted, send out an email to the parents. This will give them a chance to visit the learning platform and check on their child’s progress. They can also use this time to connect with you for a conference or raise questions about their child’s grade if needed. If your parents haven’t already registered and done a tutorial on the learning platform you’re using, make sure that you remind them to do so!
Set clear expectations for communication
This one is important for teachers, students, and parents. You need to make sure that your parents who want to engage and support their students have a way to communicate with you. Let them know your preferred contact method as well as when they are allowed to contact you.
Distance learning is a challenge that many of us are still adapting and adjusting to. While you may not be able to be in the classroom with your students, these tips can hopefully help you work with the parents to connect with their kids and be active while we are all distance learning.