Implement a weekly vocabulary routine to increase students comprehension.
Every week I cover 1 Academic Vocabulary Word in class along with 2 Tier 2 Vocabulary Words. This is an important part of my weekly vocabulary routine. Instruction of these words in isolation and in context help readers to become fluent users independently.
What are Tier 2 Vocabulary Words?
Tier 2 words present challenges to students because students usually only see them in print (when reading for meaning).
Tier 2 words are usually only heard orally from those with mature oral language and across multiple content areas
How did I create a list of Tier 2 Vocabulary Words?
After reflecting using my own teacher observations I went on a search. I researched most commonly misunderstood vocabulary words in grades 4-6. I then compared the list of words from my small groups observations to a list of words I researched. What I found was that most students can pronounce these Tier 2 words, but were unable to identify the meaning in context. Therefore, I compiled a list that would allow me to dig deep into 2 words a week for the entire school year.
Click HERE or on the photo below to download Tier 2 Vocabulary Cards!

What is my Weekly Instructional Routine?
Each week I introduce these words through my Focus Board. My Focus Board is student-led and my students love to be the teacher. You can read more about my Focus Board here or by clicking on the photo below.

For my weekly Tier 2 Vocabulary Routine we follow this pattern:
Monday– Learn It!
Tuesday– Use It!
Wednesday– Sketch It! (or since I am a 1:1 classroom, my students can find an image)
Thursday– Chant It!
Friday– Teach It!
Here is an image of the weekly directions above my Focus Board. Click HERE or on the photo below to download for FREE!

Here is an image from one of my students notebooks. You can simply print and cut to fit into a notebook if you are a paper based classroom, or if you are a 1:1 classroom screenshot the image and upload it to your student’s digital notebook.

Below is an example from my Focus Board of my Weekly Academic Vocabulary word. Click HERE or on the photo below to download!

I hope you found this post helpful and useful to implement into your own classroom!