#DigitalLiteracy is a Resource that is Standards-Based, using 2 Mentor Texts per standard along with Scripted Lesson Plans and Digital Applications! On top of that, there’s Differentiated Written Responses, Rubrics, How-To-Guide and more! It’s a Ready-To-Go Resource that you can implement tomorrow! Keep reading to Purchase Digital Literacy Products and Mentor Texts!
This resource has been created for theย Microsoft OneDrive or Google Classroom! It can also be used as a PowerPoint!

This blog post has been created for you to purchase any Mentor Text that you don’t already have available to you for the #DigitalLiteracy products! All Mentor Texts in 1 place!ย The Mentor Texts used in this resource I have chosen after years of being favorites to teach the standards. The Scripted Lesson Plans go along with each Mentor Textย and the digital activities! Make sure you go through your personal books and visit your school or local library as they may have these books available to you as well:-)

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE #DigitalLiteracy Volumes by Standards or Bundle & Save$$$!
Mentor Text Lists by Standards and Volumes:
RL.1 / Volume 1 Mentor Texts
Each Kindness & Something Beautiful
RL.2 / Volume 2 Mentor Texts
Three Hens and a Peacock & Regards to the Man in the Moon
RL.3 / Volume 3 Mentor Texts
Old Henry & Peppe the Lamplighter
RL.4 / Volume 4 Mentor Texts
The King who Rained & Up North at the Cabin
RL.5 / Volume 5 Mentor Texts
Tops and Bottoms & In Enzo’s Splendid Gardens
RL.6 / Volume 6 Mentor Texts
Aunt Flossie’s Hats (and crab cakes later) & Miz Berlin Walks
RL.7 / Volume 7 Mentor Texts
The Tortoise and the Hare (text) &ย The Tortoise and the Hare (animation)
This is what I use, you can find various versions online. I recommend Disney’s Silly Symphonies.
(As I finish the remaining Volumes, the Mentor Texts will be added!)
I hope you find this post helpful in collecting valuable resources and mentor texts that engage students!
Make sure to follow me along my journey by clicking the buttons up top!!!