Welcome back to the blog series!
Today’s topic is Caring for Technology!
Depending on the types and amounts of devices you will be responsible for in your classroom you need to have a plan to keep them clean, updated, charged and more!
This is no different than establishing your typical classroom rituals and routines at the beginning of the school year. It’s exactly the same thing, just for expensive devices.
Cleaning Devices:
This is something that I’m passionate about because I can not stand dusty computers, especially touch screens with fingerprints everywhere! Cleaning your devices the wrong way can do more harm than good.
First, make sure devices are turned off and not plugged in!
NEVER use any chemicals! Especially Clorox or Lysol Wipes. Instead I recommend using:
-Lint Free Cloths for the overall device
-Compressed Air for ports
-Foam Swabs for keyboard
-Cotton Swabs for keyboard
*I like to use the washable dusters, I see them at Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Ross and Homegoods. I just bring them home, wash them and then return them to school. The kids like them too:-)
I would specifically model multiple times under an Elmo or another type of device to project on the large screen to the class the proper way to clean the device.
The items above I would pick up at your local store and also ask for donations from parents.
If you are a 1:1 classroom, then every child needs to clean their own device. If you have a small set of devices, then this should be a job of 2 students or so to do.
Updating Devices:
Rule of thumb, in order for your device to automatically receive updates it needs to be plugged in to the charger and on so it can receive WiFi to do so.
If you are like me with laptops and using Microsoft, then your computers should have the Microsoft Update Extension active. If not, you will need to contact your Technology Coordinator in your building (or at the county level) so they can do this for you. Or Google, Microsoft Update and you’ll get step-by-step directions. This is definitely something you will want installed on each computer.
If you use Apple products and the Microsoft Suit, the same thing follows. Here is a tutorial of how to fix the apps on an Apple computer to update automatically.
If you use any type of tablets you will want to set the update feature on automatic. This is super easy, just Google it for step-by-step directions.
I am currently blessed with a charging cart, it is numbered and labeled so my students can easily put their laptop away on the charger daily and in proper order. I have 2 classes, so 2 students share a computer (a.m. class and p.m class). This is convenient because if something is wrong, I only need to talk to 2 students rather than 50!
If you do not have a charging cart you first need to figure out a safe place in your classroom to create a charging station. This is something you can easily put together with little cost by simply getting onto Pinterest and searching Student Charging Station. You will see tons of visual examples, and be able to choose something that will fit in your classroom with your devices. Or spark your own creative idea!
My biggest tip, is it needs to be something students take ownership of. So make sure you create something that the students will be able to handle without your help. And listen, be prepared in case your first charging station doesn’t really work. It’s OK! You can create a better option for your classroom and students.
Now, what’s next is part of my OCD and if my students don’t follow this rule “it does not bring me joy”, in fact repeat offenders can make me very very upset!
How to Hold a Computer:
This is very important to me, we hug our laptops when walking, period. 2 hands against our chest or Mrs. Radcliff may loose her mind!
But seriously, I’m very serious! I get so nervous about a student dropping their laptop or what I hate is to see a student carrying a laptop by the screen!!!
So, this is something I harp on daily and model daily. We have a mini-lesson about it, with an anchor chart and all.
Whether you have laptops, tablets or any other devices, you MUST have rules and lessons about how to handle them, especially carry them.
- No food or drink near devices (including water bottles even if closed).
- Keyboards, headphones and other accessories should be handled gently – NO POUNDING!
- Hug Laptop when walking, always carry with 2 hands and arms – NO CARRYING WITH 1 HAND OR HOLDING BY SCREEN WHEN OPEN.
- Regularly clean you device.
- Properly store and charge your device.
I hope there are nuggets of information you can walk away with after reading this post today! Stay tuned as this blog series will continue next week.
Please leave any questions and I can try to answer!
You might also be interested in my #DIGITALLITERACY resource line based off of blending Traditional Reading Workshop + 1:1 Technology. You can read about it by clicking HERE or on the image below >>>

Be sure to follow me along my journey! Direct links to my social media are on the top right of my page:-)