It’s very common, data can be time consuming and the purpose of it is hard to get to sometimes.
Do you, your team or school struggle with analyzing data?
Do you hold Data Meetings?
Many educators collect a variety of data and then for various reasons its left alone. Besides time, it is hard to self-reflect and critique your instructional approaches and strategies based on data. It is also hard to make change sometimes due to many constraints. Looking at your data and having meaningful conversations geared towards improvement is a goal of so many.
What questions do you ask yourself when analyzing data?
What questions do you ask as a team or grade level when analyzing data?
What questions do you ask as a school when analyzing data?
We definitely run into these problems at my school. To be honest it has a lot to do with time and getting everyone together. Yes the discussion of specifics is hard for some rather than others, but my teams are really improving each time in these areas. They are definitely viewing the data and having discussions. Two of my teams have intervention blocks in place as a reflection of the data. They do a really great job of making those individual observations of students during assessments and in their small group instruction. The conversations and comfort levels have increased which has been so comforting to many.
At my school I do something three times a year that I just love, we hold a K-3 Data Meeting based off of their state assessments in mCLASS. It was a goal of mine to grow this meeting in a more organized focus that would benefit student growth. Therefore I created this Data Pack to help us all stay focused and stay on track.
- Looking at Grade Level Data Question Stems
- Looking at Class and Student Data Question Stems
- Looking at Your Instruction Based Off Of Data Question Stems
An activity is also included:
at standards, strategy, concept or skills students have or have not mastered. Teachers reflect on what worked, what did not work and what they plan to do based on the need.
What’s Included:
- Product in Action
- Data Process Chart
- Looking at Grade Level Data: Question Stems
- Looking at Class and Student Data: Question Stems
- Looking at Your Instruction Based off of Data: Question Stems
- Chart It In Writing Activities
- Envelope Titles to store Question Stems and Activity
[Click on any of the photos below for a direct link!]
I laminated envelopes to help with my OCD organization and color coding. I made a set for each table.
I used pink colored card-stock and anchor charts for each grade level to look at two things students have mastered and two things students have not mastered. Below teachers would list the thing that helped, did not help or the things they want to do.
Here is how I set the tables up in our data room for each grade level.
Sneak peek in the back of our school data walls. The back right wall is TRC data. That’s for another blog post though!
I always prepare the tables with materials, supplies and goodies.
Those sticky notes? They are from my POST IT LOVE FREEBIE! Click HERE or on the TITLE to download. Personalized notes are the best. The raffle tickets, well since I don’t really have a classroom anymore being a Literacy Coach, I like to make supply baskets for my teachers. I just spend money on them instead of a classroom now. We always do a raffle!
Here are the two prizes I made. Lots of goodies like card-stock, Valentine’s Day Book, Guided Reading pointers, Post It notes, etc…
This pack is simple to implement in your personal, team or school data meetings. Everything is in black and white for easy printing. I like to use colored paper or card-stock for durability and laminate. Everything is set up in a print and go style for you to implement with ease.
I hope this pack helps you, your team and school effectively look at your data.
Click HERE or on any of the photos above to grab this pack!