Do you teach the academic language and vocabulary?
Do you assess reading levels using TRC?
Do you teach in NC?
***If you use another reading assessment other than TRC like DRA, Fountas & Pinnell, etc… This is still for YOU!***
Rationale of Academic Language and Vocabulary!
Vocabulary we need to be included in instruction regularly!
they gained from the text.
I have included vocabulary cards of the 36 common terms found in the TRC Written Comprehension Questions. These cards can be implemented in a variety of ways that suits the teacher and classroom. Cards come in full page and quarter page, both in color or black and white. The chart included above, marks in yellow the terms and book levels the vocabulary will be found in.Deconstructing the vocabulary and using such activities as the Frayer Model will help students gain meaning of these terms so that they can apply when asked during assessments. You can implement during small group or whole group instruction. Use the cards that apply to your studentโs levels and use them when you are discussing written comprehension questions you have constructed.
I previously wrote a blog post about ways to incorporate teaching the academic language and vocabulary.
Click HERE to read all about it!
Click HERE to grab a FREE informational sample to get started!
You are exactly right Dianna! I felt so sorry for my babies at the BOY when they (tried to) read the questions to themselves and just looked at me with wide eyes…. ๐ I am going to share this post with my staff!