Hello Friends~
I’m blogging today over at my collaborative blog Teacher Deals and Dollar Steals. I’ll be there each month on the 25th! Click below to follow me over on my blog.
I have a $1.00 deal for you that will last the next 3 days!!! This deal will be $1.00 from Sunday, October 25th – Tuesday, October 27th!!!
My $1.00 deal is…
Reading Level Growth Data Pack
This pack is simple and powerful for teachers to use when tracking reading levels. It covers all stages from beginning of the year, 1st 9 weeks, 2nd 9 weeks, 3rd 9 weeks, 4th 9 weeks/end of the year. There are many options for recording and it is a great addition to your data assessment notebook.
Tools to help keep you organized:
Class List: Track each student for the entire school year by writing in their name and reading level.
Individual Student Graph: One sheet per student and shade in their level to show the growth in a graph.
Whole Class at a Glance: Each checkpoint document how many students you have on each level. Or you could use it as an individual graph like above.
Targeted Instruction: List student names by reading groups and target the exact instruction you need to teach by strategies and prompts.
Individual Goal Setting: Use your student’s data to set individualized targeted instruction. Document your progress monitoring checks and when the student becomes independent. Continue on with the next goal and repeat.
Parent Letter: Help bridge the home and school communication gap with a hand written note. Let the parent’s know what is going on, what you are doing and what they can do to help.
Grab this pack for $1.00 the next 3 days by clicking here or on any of the photos.
Happy Shopping!