Hello Friends~
Happy New Year to all! I’m wishing all of you a happy, healthy & successful 2015!
I am here today to tell you about my new adventure of creations! They are all based around my little munchkin, Harper! Whether you are a Preschool teacher, Kindergarten teacher, Home-school mama or a working mama looking for extra practice for your young scholars I hope this line of products will help you.
My little girl is 3 years old & it’s almost time [another year away] for Pre-K! As any other loving mama, I want to be able to educate my child as much as I can at home while making it fun. Well, I can tell you I have had so much fun creating these products as Harper has had “playing school” with her mama! It melts my heart each chance we get to “play school” together.
Knowing what I know being a Literacy Coach & past primary teacher, I don’t want to push my child, but I want her to have all the tools to be successful when she enters school. Let’s be honest, we all know the standards & expectations of achievement for Kindergarten & 1st Grade students these days. So knowing what I know, I will do everything possible to help my child be successful.
I fill our time together with fun activities to promote growth in a variety of ways. We read together everyday, have a playroom that in print rich, create an awareness of number sense with daily activities & do my best to ensure my child has meaningful daily experiences. I’m sure that you all are nodding along with me.
It is very important that young scholars have many opportunities to practice using their sensory & fine motor skills while gaining a sense of language. This is my thinking & starting point of this line of products.
So, I’m here today to show you my first 3 out of 5 completed products. These products are tailored to students in Pre-School, Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and students of all ages who would benefit from more practiced with sensory-motor skills, fine-motor skills, letter practice, shape practice & number practice.
The great part is you can win them before you can buy them! So here’s a look…
[FYI~ My daughter is only 3, so this was a fun new experience for her!]
The early writing stages are:
Saturday, January 17th ~ Sunday, January 18th
48 Hours Only!!!
Winners will be announced Monday, January 19thEnter Below —->
Dianna, I am OBSESSED with this new line of products! I can picture a good 2-3 of my kindergarten students who would benefit from these packs tremendously! Great job as always, lady!
You are too sweet Gina! I am too & so is Harper! I've got the next 2 in the works right now. I'll have to get Harper to try them out soon!!! xoxo
There are at least 2 in my first grade class who could really benefit from this pack as well! I love it! Amazing job of seeing a real need and meeting it – as usual!
These look AWESOME!!!
These would be fantastic to use in my classroom!!
These look great Dianna! I have a new student who could really use this! Great job!!
LOVE!!! These would be perfect for my K-2 special needs babies!
This would be perfect for my younger students! I teach a K-5 special education classroom. I am also in NC!